Every woman’s dream is to have an hour-glass figure and every man a masculine physique. But due to the constant evolution of tastes and eating habits the dream physique boils down to layers of flab. Looking at the growing number of people fancied by perfectly shaped body, Obese talk about weight loss supplements Articles the pharmaceutical industry is producing more and more of weight loss supplements to lure the desperate population of weight control pills.
Weight loss supplements are pills, herbs or any other type of medicines which claim to help individuals lose weight. This industry is fast spreading as people have no time to maintain a healthy diet schedule. The $2.4-bn market (in the US), has more than 125 combination weight loss supplements along with 50 individual dietary supplements. Few weight loss supplements are: chitosan, calcium, caffeine, ephedra etc.
As the saying goes “all that glitters is not gold”. The supplements comes with a rider that is, they lack evidence which is why most weight loss experts do not recommend many products marketed as weight loss supplements. There are certain diet supplements, including ephedra (also known as ma huang, was banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2004 for sale in the US), which may cause heart attack and stroke.
Such types of over-the-counter (OTC) weight loss dietary supplements might lure you with their weight loss magical wand, but they come with their harmful side-effects which might even prove to be fatal. Moreover, these supplements reduce your appetite to bring you in shape. Thus, it’s always better to consult your doctors before picking up some weight loss supplements over-the-counter.
It’s always better to a quick check if you’re thinking of trying OTC weight loss supplements. One should read labels and discuss with the doctor or pharmacist before taking the shot. Moreover, one should check the FDA website for alerts about safety concerns of the desired product.
But there are some products called weight management supplements which help you to get rid of your flab by increasing the body’s metabolism rate. Some of these products include fucoxanthin, green tea, white bean extract, glucomannan etc. As most of these weight management supplements might seem to be natural (as the supplements are extracted from herbs) but they too are insufficient in their evidence. Unlike the OTC weight loss supplements these are often prescribed by doctors, though their progress is monitored closely.
To sum it up, there are largely two types of weight loss pill – prescription pills or non-prescription pills. Either ways, weight loss supplements as well as weight management supplement should be used as advised by the doctors else it may lead to psychological addiction.
For all those who think pills can wade off obesity, they are slightly mistaken. If one wants to lose weight one has to be committed to it. The prescribed and non-prescribed supplements only act as an aid to lose weight, provided it is accompanied by healthy diet and exercising.
In other words, science has not progressed so much that a pill can help you lose weight. The secret of losing weight is that there is no secret of losing weight!