If anyone was to ever ask a cigar what it did for a living, chances are it would say, “I provide relief.” Bragging a little, this cigar would continue by listing the kinds of relief it provides: relief for those who need a break from stress, relief for those who need an outlet of luxury, relief for those who are looking for the perfect celebratory gesture. Overhearing this, a cigarette would look on, shaking its head at its cousin’s ego, only to realize the truth: when it comes to relief, cigars aren’t simply blowing smoke.
Thanks to cigar charities, cigars can now brag even more, boasting until they get extinguished. Cigar charities are foundations set up to provide relief for tobacco growing places. As reported by Cigar Aficionado, there are a number of cigar makers who put charity on the top of their to-do list. Many of these charities are set up to help Honduras, Nicaragua, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic, places known not only for fine tobacco but also devastating storms and elements of nature.
Two of the major cigar charities in existence today are the World of Montecristo Relief Organization and the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation.
The World of Montecristo Relief Organization was originally established in 1998, founded by Altadis in an attempt to provide aid to Caribbean cigar regions damaged by hurricanes. This organization has since been at the center of a variety of fundraisers and charities all aimed at helping people to restore, rebuild, and regain their lives. Recently, the World of Montecristo Relief Ogranization pledged 500,000 dollars to the American Red Cross in support of the Hurrican Katrina victims.
Centered at this foundation is the Montecristo Cup Charity Pro-Am golf tournament. This is an annual four day event that features everyone from PGA champions to amateurs, all from a variety of countries and walks of life. During the tournament, golfers are given the opportunity to play for a good cause: smoking out the destruction Mother Nature can bring.cigar humidor
The Cigar Family Charitable Foundation is another cigar charity worth mentioning. This charity began in 2001 when the J.C. Newman and Arturo Fuente families created an organization aimed at helping the impoverished areas surrounding tobacco regions. Building schools, health clinics, and water filtering stations are just a few of the things the Cigar Family Charitable Foundations have been credited with doing.
Partnered with the Institute for Integral Dominican Development, a foundation offering support to the people of the Dominican Republic for the past 25 years, The Cigar Family Charitable Foundation helps raise money through special events, online cigar auctions, and the sale of their cigars and humidors.