For a musician, it is common to encounter unstimulating work environments, in which physical and mental exhaustion grows in the opposite direction to success sound cloud buy plays.
what is a team work?
It is defined as a group of people who work together in the same area and report to the same leader. But, a team is much more than that. Its members must share purposes, objectives and values.
It is necessary that each person’s talent be identified, recognized and used; this not only refers to technical capacity, but also to personal skills. Each member must occupy a strategic role without falling into disputes.
What stage is your Band in?
1. Conformation
This is where the team is born, whether by individual or collective initiative of the musicians. The members meet each other and are assigned the first roles, usually only musical ones.
Although at this stage nothing is defined, it is important to establish clear communication within the group.
2. Strengthening
After a while, the first conflicts appear. Although most of them are simple and easy to overcome, sometimes the leader must come in to solve them.
Quickly identify which aspects affect the band and solve them instantly, do not let the problems grow no matter how simple they may seem.
3. Stabilization
It is the most important phase because it is here where the path to follow is defined and the foundations of the band are forged.
The leader must seek the well-being of the band. To achieve this, it is vital that at this stage the band’s objectives are defined, that the skills of each member have been identified and a flexible work plan has been described.
Organize a constant activity plan and socialize with the group. When and what is tested, why it is tested, how the resources are going to be managed and who does it. Nobody likes to waste time.
4. Harmonization.
It is the moment in which we work in a coordinated and harmonious way. The trials are efficient and productive, the progress in production is notable and therefore management is more accurate. It is a key moment to seek the first alliances that will allow them to advance in the recording of an album. The leader must seek advice so that the group is trained and prepared for business within the industry.
5. Consolidation
The band acquires productive routines, the tasks are defined and executed according to the times. Musicians feel valued and committed, this allows them to achieve results more quickly.
This is where it is recommended to launch, close deals and hold strategic concerts to disseminate and increase followers.
From here on, continuity will depend on the projection you have. It is clear that bands are different work teams, but most go through the same stages.