Couples, at present, often neglect their sexual life leaving it aside for fulfilling their work responsibilities and other obligations, generating passion to diminish and eventually sex becomes boring Male Extra review.
However, the general director of Boston Medical Group Peru, José Pablo Saffón, offered five tips that can improve good sexual performance as a couple and to have a good Valentine’s Day , which is ad portas.
The professional advises, first, the practice of some physical activity to increase excitement because in men, who exercise regularly, they tend to reduce erectile dysfunction by 70% ; while in women, the practice of exercise allows them to improve the blood flow in the clitoris and enhances their sexual function.
As in most articles related to improving sexual activity, it could not be missing, the recommendation to use erotic toys that allow to elevate the pleasure within a sexual relationship and to achieve satisfies -in most cases- the sexual fantasies of men and women.
The use of red sexual garments, in women, is the third recommendation that the scholar offers, who affirms that this color stimulates, fascinates and makes men more attentive to them.
The fourth recommendation to improve sexual activity as a couple is to perform preliminary games that contribute to a good lubrication and obtain a satisfactory and pleasant penetration; taking into account that 70% of women need stimulation in the area of the clitoris to reach orgasm.
Finally, it invokes couples to enjoy sex without any stress and for this recommends avoiding stereotypes that are captured in television, Internet, magazines, among others, that can generate a level of demand or self-demand that results in a negative generating erectile dysfunction, problems of premature ejaculation and even loss of sexual desire.